A Tale of Two Museums
Ester Rachel Kaminska Theater Museum Collection

The Green Fields, Di Grine Felder by Perets Hirshbeyn (Riga)

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The Green Fields, Di Grine Felder by Perets Hirshbeyn (Riga)


These are photos and a program associated with a production of Green Fields, one of the most celebrated works of the twentieth-century Yiddish stage. It was written by Perets Hirshbeyn, who pioneered his own naturalist and lyrical theatrical language. Like many Yiddish writers of his generation, he had been nurtured by Y. L. Peretz, who had introduced him to Ḥayim Naḥman Bialik. During the early 1900s, Hirshbeyn wrote naturalist dramas in Hebrew, including Miryam (which he later translated into Yiddish), Carcass, which, in Yiddish, became one of Hirshbeyn’s most successful works. Lonely Worlds (1906) marked a new symbolist phase in his career, as well as the end of his practice of writing originally in Hebrew. His symbolist Yiddish plays of this period include the one-act Grave Blossoms, The Earth, In the Dark, and The Handshake. Green Fields was an exception to his more understated and atmospheric works. Instead, Hirshbein's signature rural setting served as the backdrop of a happy pastoral love story.




YIVO Institute for Jewish Research


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“The Green Fields,Di Grine Felderby Perets Hirshbeyn (Riga),” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed March 9, 2025, https://ataleoftwomuseums.yivo.org/items/show/2195.
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