YIVO Online Exhibitions

Total Items: 2453
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Di Grine Kuzine

[From tape marked
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 57/03 Di Grine Kuzine.mp3


[Folk tale read aloud by Ruth Rubin. Source: J. L. Cohen, Folks mayses. Title handwritten in tape log in yiddish alef-beys. Note in English:] Tom Thumb. [Tape box also contains handwritten Yiddish text in composition book from Fordham University,…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 55/05 Bebele.mp3

A mayse mit a bobitskele mit khayelekh

[Folk tale read aloud by Ruth Rubin. Source: J. L. Cohen, Folks mayses. Title handwritten in tape log in yiddish alef-beys. Note in English:] The musicians of Bremen. [Tape box also contains handwritten Yiddish text in composition book from Fordham…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 55/04 A mayse mit a bobitskele mit khayelekh.mp3

A mayse fun an oreman un a raykhn bruder

[Folk tale read aloud by Ruth Rubin. Source: J. L. Cohen, Folks mayses. Title handwritten in tape log in yiddish alef-beys. Note in English:] Ali Baba and the forty thieves. [Tape box also contains handwritten Yiddish text in composition book from…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 55/03 A mayse fun an oreman un a raykhn bruder.mp3

A maysele mit a bobetske mit a sakh kinderlekh

[Folk tale read aloud by Ruth Rubin. Source: J. L. Cohen, Folks mayses. Title handwritten in tape log in Yiddish alef-beys, somewhat illegible.Tape box also contains handwritten Yiddish text in composition book from Fordham University, with notes in…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 55/02 A maysele mit a bobetske mit a sakh kinderlekh.mp3

Folktale: Der royfe un der shuster

[Folk tale read aloud by Ruth Rubin. Source: J. L. Cohen, Folks mayses. Title handwritten in tape log in Yiddish alef-beys, illegible. Tape box also contains handwritten Yiddish text in composition book from Fordham University, with notes in…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 55/01 Folktale_ Der royfe un der shuster.mp3

Ver es vil tsu di geshikhte oyshern

[Handwritten notes in English on tape log:] Another murder! Ballad -- Love. [Spoken introduction by informant explaining that this is an old Yiddish folksong.] Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky,…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 54/19 Ver es vil tsu di geshikhte oyshern.mp3

Shoyn dray yor vi mir shpiln beyde a libe

[Handwritten note in English on tape log:] A murder -- Underworld -- Love [Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz on…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 54/18 Shoyn dray yor vi mir shpiln beyde a libe.mp3
Total Items: 2453
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... | 235 | 236 | 237 | 238 | 239 | 240 | 241 | 242 | 243 | 244 | 245 | ...
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