- Item Type: Audio
- Item Type: Audio
Total Items: 1424
Az okh un vey iz tsu mayne yorn
[Note in typewritten tape log in box:] Shmad lid. “Camp Solomon” is an adult recreation camp, conducted by the educational Alliance. The camp has since moved to Lake Charles, NY. Some of the songs sung by their “elderly” campers. may be moralistic,…
A veltele a kleyns
[Note in typewritten tape log in box:] “Camp Solomon” is an adult recreation camp, conducted by the educational Alliance. The camp has since moved to Lake Charles, NY. Some of the songs sung by their “elderly” campers. may be moralistic, badkhonish,…
A gutn ovnt Brayne
[No record for Tape 21 or Tape 22 in typewritten black hardbound catalog.]
Es iz shoyn fintster...
[Note in typewritten tape log in box:] A ballad about “Mother Rebecca’s Death” [No record for Tape 21 or Tape 22 in typewritten black hardbound catalog.]
Az di mashine iz in gantsn
[No record for Tape 21 or Tape 22 in typewritten black hardbound catalog.]
Az du vest zogn lekho dodi
[No record for Tape 21 or Tape 22 in typewritten black hardbound catalog.]
Total Items: 1424