- Item Type: Audio
- Item Type: Audio
Total Items: 1424
Hot zikh mir di shikh tserisn
Vilna ghetto. [Spoken introduction by informant: "A lid fun vilner geto.”]
[Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz…
[Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz…
Sorele dushinke -- Soyeye dushinte
[Spoken introduction by informant, explaining that he’s singing a grown-up song first in baby-talk, then as an adult would sing it. Title written twice on tape log: once in baby-talk, then rewritten.]
[Handwritten note on outside of tape box:]…
[Handwritten note on outside of tape box:]…
Tates mames kinderlekh boyen barikadn
[Ruth Rubin sings harmony at end & adds a spoken comment:
Hulyet, hulyet, beyze vintn
[Ruth Rubin sings harmony on last chorus, & comments:
Ot azoy, azoy zeyt der landsman
[Spoken introduction by informant:
Mir vern gehast un getribn
[Spoken introduction by informant:
Rut hot getrogn a kan vaser
Kinder lid [Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz on 3 index cards.]
Kum ikh tsu mayn gelibter froy
Goodman -- ballad. [Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz on 3 index cards.]
Az ikh bin in kheyder gegangen
Ikh hob far keynem kayn moyre, kayn bushe
[Is Singer M. Robbins of 2/8, /2/21 same as Dr. Robbins of 11/14, 53/15? Same date & place.]
Total Items: 1424