YIVO Online Exhibitions

  • Item Type: Audio

Total Items: 1424
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Mamenyu, lyubenyu

In 3/4 meter. The lyrics partly say, Be still, help me put out the fire in my heart. She falls in love with a handsome young man. They go take a walk on the boulevard...He assaults her... One can believe today’s young men the way one believes a…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 64/11 Mamenyu, lyubenyu.mp3

Mayn harts, mayn harts

[Unidentified group joins in during the choruses. Song in 6/8 time.]
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 64/08 Mayn harts, mayn harts.mp3

Kh’hob zikh bedoyet a shtibele in vald

Love song in 3/4 time in a major key.
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 64/06 Kh_hob zikh bedoyet a shtibele in vald.mp3

Ikh ze shoyn aroys, lyube mayne

Singer prefaces song in Yiddish, explaining it is an old love song he heard from his mother that she learned as a girl.
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 64/05 Ikh ze shoyn aroys, lyube mayne.mp3

Tsvey taybelekh

[Spoken introduction in Yiddish by the singer, explaining that this is an old love song that became popular due to the efforts of the famous singer Lyuba Levitsky when the Nazis seized Vilna and built the ghetto. It became an anti-Fascist song. …
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 64/04 Tsvey taybelekh.mp3
Total Items: 1424
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