YIVO Online Exhibitions

  • Item Type: Audio

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Makht oyf, makht oyf

[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] The songs he remembers, has learned, and sings, are quite varied. This and the following tape, reveal a warmth and an aptitude, even a talent for singing.

Purim song. Learned in Camp Hemshekh, from a girl…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 68/04 Makht oyf, makht oyf.mp3

Tayere Malke (fragment)

[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] Sings the more common melody to the song (in 3/4 meter). Rubin remarks that Warshavsky - the same one who wrote Afn Pripetshek - wrote this song. Fox states that Warshavsky didn’t want anyone to write the songs…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 68/03 Tayere Malke (fragment).mp3

Tayere Malke

[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] Older brother Meyer taught him the melody, which was different (from that of song 3).
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 68/02 Tayere Malke.mp3

Zitst a shnayder

[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] This song he learned from his mother, who didn't know where it was from.
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 68/01 Zitst a shnayder.mp3

Herman Rabins Interview - part 2

[Note from typewritten tape log in box:] Herman Rabins continues

Herman Rabins

[Note from typewritten tape log in box:] Herman Rabin, born Chayim Rabinovitsh, in Novminsk, Poland, speaks on this and the following tape, about his childhood, his famous father, his coming to America, etc. He is so intense in remembering, that it…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 66/01 Herman Rabin's Interview.mp3

Iber barg un iber toln

(Compare another version: Tape 65 song 1)
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 65/11 Iber barg un iber toln.mp3

Oyfn barg, ibern barg

[See Tape 65, song 9 (both talk about overtaking their younger years). After Rubin sings, she and Anne Kline, who sang song 9 and admires the ending of song 10, compare (assumed) previous song].
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 65/10 Oyfn barg, ibern barg.mp3

Ay, brider, brider, shpan ayn di ferd

Kline heard from her mother. [Words say to overtake our younger years so they won’t escape from us. Ruth Rubin in English, she didn’t understand the 3rd line. Kline repeats it, then translates into English, “You treasured your youthful years like a…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 65/09 Ay, brider, brider, shpan ayn di ferd.mp3
Total Items: 1424
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