YIVO Online Exhibitions

  • Item Type: Audio

Total Items: 1424
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Yomi, yomi

The mother asks her daughter what she wants - a dress? a pair of shoes?
The chorus is daughter saying, neyne mamele neyn (no mother, no)
du veyst nisht vos ikh meyn (you don’t know what I mean)
du kenst mikh nisht farshteyn (you can’t understand…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 71/10 Yomi, yomi.mp3

Tokhter du lib

Singer states in English that he heard his grandmother sing this when he was a little boy and remembers only a few bars. He thinks it’s “archaic Yiddish” dating back to 17th or 18th century.
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 71/09 Tokhter du lib.mp3

Raboynoy shel oylem vi dank ikh dir

Tune is partial. Tune is also a familiar klezmer melody.
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 71/08 Raboynoy shel oylem vi dank ikh dir.mp3

Lomir beyde zayn a por

Tune is one in instrumental collection of Moshe Beregovski.
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 71/07 Lomir beyde zayn a por.mp3

Di meydelekh vos viln vern kales

First few words:
The young girls who want to become brides,
don’t have the means to get married - there is great poverty.
Those that want to study need to dress as men as in Parisian magazines.
In 3/4 meter. Song cut off.
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 71/06 Di meydelekh vos viln vern kales.mp3

Ikh vel aykh gebn tsu derklern

Counting song with a wordless chorus
1 khusn’s tish ([groom’s table] where one eats and makes merry and sings
2 khusn-kale ([bride and groom] they stand in front of everyone
3 mekhetonim [in-laws]
4 the khupe shtangen [poles that hold up the…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 71/05 Ikh vel aykh gebn tsu derklern.mp3

Shpil-zhe mir dem nayem sher

[Note on typewritten tape log in tape box:] From Lazar Axelbank’s wire recorder.

Yiddish words set to a few bars of the Russian Sher
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 71/04 Shpil-zhe mir dem nayem sher.mp3

Wedding tune

[Note on typewritten tape log in tape box:] From Lazar Axelbank’s wire recorder.

Wordless tunes sung by male and female singers here, explained by woman (in Yiddish) played when the in-laws are escorted to the dinner. (tune is in 3/4 time. Then…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 71/03 Wedding tune.mp3

Shnirele mayne

[Note on typewritten tape log in tape box:] From Lazar Axelbank’s wire recorder. Mrs. Skolnik said she had written [Tape 71] No. 2, based on the tune of the older Yiddish folksong “Mekhuteneste mayne.”
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 71/02 Shnirele mayne.mp3
Total Items: 1424
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