- Item Type: Audio
- Item Type: Audio
Total Items: 1424
Ikh tu dir a brivele shraybn
A solider writes to his mother about his health. Slow and sad song.
a hant hot men mir aropgenumen
un af mayn oygn bin ikh mamenu blind
a hant hot men mir aropgenumen
un af mayn oygn bin ikh mamenu blind
Dortn, nit vayt baym brik
Lobell, in English, states his father was born in Tshernovitz; he heard him sing this song about 1918. Recording quality poor at beginning.
The song is in 6/8 meter. Refrain:
nu, loyf zhe betn far dem oyre (?)
az inz iz haynt a gezeyre
The song is in 6/8 meter. Refrain:
nu, loyf zhe betn far dem oyre (?)
az inz iz haynt a gezeyre
Oy, di fonye gonif
Chorus of a satirical and freylekh song.
Vos geystu arum, arum
Segal relates in Yiddish that she heard the song 30 years ago in Minsk from seamstresses who sewed in the house.
Her accent sounds American to this listener and she says “di lidl”, which may mean she or her parents speak a Litvish Yiddish (other…
Her accent sounds American to this listener and she says “di lidl”, which may mean she or her parents speak a Litvish Yiddish (other…
[Note in typewritten tape of inside box:] Mr. Miller said he wrote this. [Handwritten note in same log:] 1906-1956!
He was carrying Shalokh mones (gifts of food exchanged at Purim), he’d gotten married, but Nicholas marred his happiness by taking…
He was carrying Shalokh mones (gifts of food exchanged at Purim), he’d gotten married, but Nicholas marred his happiness by taking…
Forn forstu fun mir avek
A young woman mourns that her beloved must enlist; begs G-d to disqualify all the recruits and release them from the ruler’s hand... She is crying rivers of tears.
Plogt aykh, shtelerlekh
[Spoken comments in Yiddish by informant before and after song.] Talks about the hardships of having to serve in the armies of the various lands Jews lived in. For Hasidic young men it was a tragedy: they had to eat non-kosher food, shave their…
Di mame hot mir geshikt
Daughter relates that her mother sends her to the market for various items... She falls in love with the sons of the tradesmen and swoons over their respective eyes, teeth, sidecurls.
Total Items: 1424